Engaged, But Not Immersed: Tracking the Mediated Public Connection of Filipino Elite Migrants in London
Dr. Jonathan Corpus Ong Jason Vincent A. Cabañes2011 Criticism 27 pages. Courtesy of IP Publishing.
South East Asia Research 19.2 (2011): 197-224.contributor
XDr. Jonathan Corpus Ong

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Dr. Jonathan Corpus Ong is Assistant Professor in Sociology at Hong Kong Baptist University. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Cambridge in 2011. Jonathan has published his work on media and migration, media ethics, and mediated political participation in Media, Culture & Society, Television & New Media, and Communication, Culture & Critique. He was the first Graduate Student Representative of the Popular Communication Division of the International Communication Association. His first book The Poverty of Television is forthcoming from Anthem Press. In July 2013, he joins the University of Leicester (UK) as Lecturer in Media and Communications.
XJason Vincent A. Cabañes
Jason was born in 1981, in Quezon City, The Philippines. He is presently a final year Institute of Communication Studies Ph.D. Scholar at the University of Leeds, UK; he is also a Lecturer in Media Studies and the Program Coordinator of the Master’s in Journalism program at the Department of Communication, Ateneo de Manila University, The Philippines. He was previously an Association of Southeast Asian Nations Research Fellow at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore and a consultant of the Communication for Governance and Accountability Program of The World Bank. His scholarly works include articles in the internationally peer-reviewed journals Media, Culture and Society (forthcoming), New Media and Society, and Southeast Asia Research; an entry in the Encyclopaedia of Social Networking; and a chapter in the book Changing Media, Changing Societies (Asian Media Information and Communication Centre, 2009). His present research interests are on social and mediational approaches to migration, multiculturalism, and politics.
X- Born: Quezon City, Philippines
- Based: Leeds, England, UK