Filipinos transform, deliberately and accidentally, the spaces that they enter and leave, unsettling national imaginaries and grocery store aisles.
Queerness is that thing that lets us feel that this world is not enough, that indeed something is missing. -- José Esteban Muñoz , Cruising Utopia (2009)
From sending gifts and cassette tapes of news to loved ones to producing visual, written, aural, and performing arts, Filipinos engage in an enormous diversity of everyday...
"Filipinos ... did not necessarily move through borders, but rather, borders continually enfolded them.” --Allan Punzalan Isaac, American Tropics (2006)
At a nexus of colonialism and neocolonialism for five centuries, Filipinos confront the legacies of colonial and imperial engagement in their daily lives.
“Citizenship is not just a matter of formal legal status; it is a matter of belonging...” -- Evelyn Nakano Glenn, Unequal Freedom (2002)
How have digital and new media technologies created new social and creative possibilities that have transformed the lives of Filipinos and others around the world?
“The bare brown bosoms ... were markers of savagery, colonial desire, and a justification for Western imperial rule.” --Nerissa Balce, "The Filipina's Breast" (2006)
A “labor brokerage state ... actively prepares, mobilizes, and regulates its citizens for migrant work abroad.” -- Robyn Magalit Rodriguez, Migrants for Export (2010)
As Filipinos travel the world, they negotiate both their own identities and others’ assumptions of and for their identities.
As the ambiguity of “carework” suggests, Filipinos care for the physical well-being of their employers and also those employers’ emotional and psychic lives too.